When will [___] get more uploads?

We are working on producing more quality content as fast as we can, but it can be difficult to have the opportunity to make everything we want.

Why can't I find older content?

A lot of older streams had issues and had to be privated. However, we might edit them in the future and turn them into videos, or full length vods to preserve what we once had!

Why would I go out of my way of going on social media when I could get a quicker respond via your tickets?

We need to maximize our efficiency, so reserving tickets for people having issues accessing our services or having other issues with them uses resources on helping people with issues. When posts that are unrelated to issues come in a lot will be skipped to due to lack of priority in the tickets and end up forgotten but as seen in the forums if requested properly, they can be considered or added much faster.

How do I add more questions in the FAQ?

I beg of you, please come up with some in the discord or on the forums.

How do I recommend content?

We have plenty of places where people can recommend things. Unfortunately, it's hard to manage them all so please get our attention with a Ping (Discord), @ (Twitter), or whatever else is used to make sure we can see it!

On our site: comments under relevant announcements and any part of the forums

On our socials: Discord, Twitter, Bluesky, and YouTube community tab