This command is used to verify the file permissions on the bot servers are working as intended and remotely access them. The bot works like this formatting


Some of the arguments are as follows 


This will tell the bot if you want to open or create a file. Note: All arguments are required so if you do open put anything for the "file contents".


This will create a document on the servers for you. Here is a example of the command being used.

;FILEVERIFY CREATE TEAM84BOIS Team 84 is one of the best teams yet.

What this will do is create a file on the servers called "team84bois" with the file contents "Team 84 is one of the best teams yet.


This will open a file on the servers if it exists with the given filename. Note: For the file contents put "whatever" or anything elser you choose because of language limitations right now. 

What this command does it spit back out the contents of a file on the server. Here is a example


What this will do is show you the contents of a file called "portalcaketesters" on the server.

Note: Your filename is converted to lowercase so capitalization does not matter.